Looking out at the Pacific this morning I watch an osprey hovering high above the water, so high I can’t imagine him hunting, and then down he goes like an arrow, hits the water, comes out empty in beak and talon. He flies back up and along comes another and either in play, territorial conflict, or factors beyond my ken, off they go southward. Life is doing such things throughout Nature all the time, rarely visible to us; events and plot lines that need only our leaving them alone to work out for lives ending, beginning, flourishing, subsisting according to their own ways and rhythms. I love reminders like that osprey, upsurges of beauty and natural presence, the sense of belonging, recognition that the whole, which all we parts help to compose, is the central value of Being, its character and substance. I’m glad to be here.



Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

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